Friday, December 2, 2011

denim quilt

I had wanted to show these pictures sooner but my internet was out from Tuesday until today (Friday). Our last kitten is sooo curious about anything and everything. I laid out the quilt to photograph it and she jumped right in.

The quilts were made by my friend Becky @
Have a great weekend!


  1. wonderful! i have always loved denim quilts. always wanted to make one. even went so far as to gather tons of old jeans and cut a bunch of squares. another project abandoned... perhaps it's time. thank you for the inspiration.

  2. Hi Joe,

    I love the durability of denim and the recycled aspect. The quilts (2 of them) are so soft. My friend explained she was able to get all of the denim free for both twin/full size quilts.
    I know about those abandoned projects...I am trying to finish some of mine. :)

  3. Oh sweet kitten! I still have a ton of denim I need to do something with...

  4. Kittens are so cute. I think all babies are cute so when they are driving us up the wall we look at their cute-ness and that makes it ok. lol!
    : )
    She loves jumping on the kitchen table because she knows I don't want her
    too. Surely there must be interesting things there? ; )
    Denim is so versitle.
